Documents available for download
This repository currently contains 8 files publicly available.
Access to reserved and/or only for internal use documents requires authentication.
Logo CMYK w lettering GS
[ ~ 569.26 KB - MD5: ]
Logo CMYK w lettering
[ ~ 591.43 KB - MD5: ]
Logo CMYK wo lettering GS
[ ~ 521.02 KB - MD5: ]
Logo CMYK wo lettering
[ ~ 541.07 KB - MD5: ]
Data Sheets:
Informativa privacy videosorveglianza
[ ~ 97.31 KB - MD5: ]
Whistleblowing Modulo Segnalazione
[ ~ 274.50 KB - MD5: ]
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MD5 hash check: to check the integrity of the above files You might consider using this Third Party freeware softwares:
OS: Win* | Software/utility: HashOnClick
OS: *nix | Software/utility: open a terminal and type md5sum file_name.extension
OS: Mac OS X | Software/utility: open a terminal and type md5 file_name.extension